Sunday, June 28, 2009

Flu Bug

Well, I am one of the 1,000,000 people in the USA who have contracted the swine flu. It is horrible and lives up to its reputation. I have been off work all week since catching it last Saturday the 20th. Hopefully the doctor will release me to go back to work tomorrow. 10 people in Utah have died from this influenza. I have been at home in bed all week except for a trip to the doctor on Wednesday, where he diagnosed it. It is awful using up all my vacation days to just lay around and sleep! I did read an English novel that my English friend Sheilah Hackford loanded me, "My Sons, My England". That was fun. And Grady has been constantly trying to cheer me up (and trying not to catch the disease himself--with good luck so far). We have been watching "The Lord of the Rings" 9 hours of DVD's together, in bits and pieces. And Karen, my good friend brought me homemade chicken soup. And Maxine, my visiting teacher, brought me spaghetti (she is such a dear elderly woman who has a husband who is very, very sick himself). All in all, I am surviving.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sweet Cats

Somehow this photo made my day. Our stray cat looks a lot like this. Someone sent me this picture

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tribute to Andrew

Andrew was a wonderful nephew. His death was so sad, on June 2, 2005. We all miss him so much. Here is a silly picture of him with Beth sitting on his back. They had so much fun together--Pawley's Island, Myrtle Beach, Virginia Beach, holidays with grandpa and grandma, and even as little kids, Beth would spend a week each summer with Andrew while Sara took care of her for a little vacation.